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This is how restaurants can increase their sales in post-Covid world

For a restaurant, investing in digital enhancements that are tightly coordinated and work in concert will help to create the restaurant of the future

image for illustrative purpose

This is how restaurants can increase their sales in post-Covid world

22 Aug 2022 7:19 PM GMT

The next-generation customer is technologically savvy, connected, and expecting concierge-level service around every corner. For a restaurant, investing in digital enhancements that are tightly coordinated and work in concert will help to create the restaurant of the future that appeals to all of the senses of this hyper-connected mentality.

Restaurant brands which succeed in this transformation will understand their customers, capitalize on digital technology options and analytics, and seize upon the opportunity to engage customers in a highly personalized way. Doing this well can have tremendous impacts in driving increased dining frequency, check size, customer conversion, and loyalty.

Creating a restaurant's 'digital DNA' requires a view broader than the four walls of the restaurant location. The next-generation customer relationship spans five stages of interaction - the '5Es' that begin and end far away from the restaurant itself: Entice, enter, engage, exit, and extend.

By bringing responsive, integrated digital experiences to each of these phases of interaction, a restaurant can build deeper relationships with more customers. It's the value and nature of these relationships, not just the applications driving them that can help flip the switch that transforms a traditional restaurant into the restaurant of the future.

In the restaurant industry, there are a number of tried-and-tested and creative new ways to increase your profit margins.

Customers may not be stopping by your physical location to do anything more than pick up a carryout order, but that doesn't mean you can neglect your physical location. What will you do when social distancing measures are lifted and people start dining in again? Since money is tight, now isn't the greatest time for a remodel, but it is a good time to do a deep-clean. Not keeping your restaurant clean can bring negative consequences, including a damaged reputation and potential health code violations. In other words, if you neglect the cleanliness of your restaurant's dine-in area, you could still end up going under.

Hosting events in our current climate isn't really possible, but it should still be something you consider. Under normal circumstances, events are a great way to bring in new and regular customers alike. It can be something simple like a discount on drinks to come and watch the big game or even a partnership with other local brands to provide a unique experience. Just consider your clientele and target audience when considering what types of events you'll be hosting.

Appetizers, deserts, mixed drinks, signature brews, or any other drink or plate that doesn't involve an entree can be seen as complementary. Your approach to how you use these items will differ based on your entree pricing. You may offer some appetizers for free or at a discount if they purchase a drink or even multiple entrees. Or it may make sense to create a combo that can be purchased at a discounted price.

Social media can be great when it comes to building your image and reputation, especially now that your customers are spending more time than ever on it. However, you have to use social media the right way, and make sure you are using the right platform. Typically, restaurants see more success with image-oriented services than professional ones. This means you are more likely to see a positive benefit by using networks such as Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, rather than LinkedIn. Furthermore, you can use social media to highlight other aspects of your business, like your staff or community involvement.

When it comes to most businesses, image is everything – and this is even more true for restaurants. As such, you have to do whatever you can to create a positive image. It takes time and effort, but investing your time in the above tactics can dramatically help your business grow.

savvy restaurants digital technology 
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